Sze Tsung Leong : Horizons

"Horizons is an ongoing series of photographs, begun in 2001, that depict expansive views of a broad spectrum of environments throughout the world. The locations of the images may be distant in geography and diverse in subject matter, yet the photographs are linked by a horizon which continues in the same position from image to image. When placed side by side, the images form an extended landscape composed of an accumulation of varied continents, cities, terrains, situations, textures, and colors."
Installation of Horizons at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 2007

I find the horizons series of work to be an interesting look at the topographic nature of landscapes. With the composition remaining constant throughout, this allows the viewer to focus on the landscape rather than the variation in style and composition through the series. 

Quiraing I, Isle of Skye, 2007

As quoted above and as found in the full project statement, Horizons is a global project with each frame coming from a different place in the world. When hung on the wall, locations find themselves situated next to places that are from a different country, perhaps even a different continent. One reading that could be taken away from displaying the images like this, especially when coupled with the fact Tsung Leong lived in various countries as a youth, could be that as the worlds population increases and communication grows ever more effective, the world as a whole is becoming a smaller place.

Victorville, California, 2006

Portfolio Magazine Issue 49
Sze Tsung Leong : Horizons
Exhibition Press Release
Further Reading:
Further Images

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