Untitled (2013)


Having personally travelled a lot through the transitional period between light and dark, the subtle glow from settlements first inspired me to produce this work. I noticed the subtleties that became apparent with the failing light often seemed overlooked or even grown accustomed to. It was through many observations I realised that the relationship between human activity and this glow grew.
I became fascinated by the relationship between us humans surrounding ourselves with light and the dark veil of the uninhabited landscape. This fascination is one that has stayed with me. It is though a hub or collection of people, subconsciously or not, gives off this ethereal glow only apparent with the failing light.
It is through the early shoots and location finding visits that I became acutely aware of the limiting factors of this glow. From my distant vantage points I could see the lit up areas, pinpointing places with ease. However if I were to switch positions looking back to where I once was, I'm sure the same could not be said. Almost like looking out a window into your garden at night - with the lights on inside it is a hard task, but with them off it makes it easier. This glow I then realised brought with it protection and comfort at the expense of shielding us from our surroundings.
It is with these observations that I could see the landscape differently. With mans presence brings the light, with this light brings buildings and the constructed, and with this brings an absence of wildlife or nature. I began to see this throughout the landscape, day or night - it is the night however that emphasises this fact.

Left to Right:
Untitled 1 - 2013
Untitled 2 - 2013
Untitled 3 - 2013

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