March to the Moon

March to the Moon is a website that houses photographs and information from the NASA Mercury and Gemini space projects that ran from 1959-1963 and 1962-1966 respectively.The photographs were shot on a Hasselblad 500c.

S66-25779_G08-H, Agena at 210 feet, motor end turned 45* toward Gemini VIII, sea, clouds, limb, sky in background, 1966

This website provides a fascinating insight as to the nature of the missions the astronauts went through but also the sights they saw.
From an artistic point of view it is hard to comment on the images effectively. They were taken by the astronauts for scientific and recording purposes, and as such weren't produced with artistic purposes in mind. the images in themselves are stunning pictures. They show us an insight to places and locations which (pending on budget cuts and future governments) virtually everyone will not get to see first hand. 

S66-54537_G11-S, Ethiopia, Somali, French Somaliland, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, south Arabia looking southeast Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Altitude = 35, 1966

I could personally spend hours trawling through these images, I find them an amazing insight to an experience which I will probably never experience.

Further Reading:

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